Friday, November 29, 2019

Religious Commitment Essays - Confirmation, Holy Spirit,

Religious Commitment Religion is considered a very important part of life by a large part of the world's population. Determining moral issues and influencing every day decisions, it resides in everyday life and gives people something in which to believe. Often, the aspects of religion are passed down from parent to child, and the child automatically believes that which his parents believed. I too experienced this influence, as I grew up in a family with the Roman Catholic religion. I was baptized as a baby, and as long as I can remember I attended mass every Sunday with my family no matter how much I contested going or the number of tantrums I would throw. I received my first communion and went through years of Sunday school, which I thought was torture. At an early age I knew and understood the "routine" that Catholics follow. I later realized the true seriousness which was far more than just going through the learned motions. The arguments between my parents and I had diminished as church was now becoming an enjoyable experience for me. I started looking forward to the sermons of the priest, wondering what new topic he would bring about for discussion. Soon I went through a process that is custom in Catholicism, known as confirmation. This is the transformation from a child to an adult in the eyes of the church. My older sister went through the same process before me and I never really truly understood the experience when she went though it. Along with the others I attended special classes taught by the priest. I became much more involved in what went on in the church, helping out with seasonal functions for the younger children in the parish and helping to create an active youth group at the church. When the actual confirmation occurred the different feelings inside of me were captivating. The mass itself actually helped me realize the awesome responsibilities of being a Catholic and even the benefits it had to offer. In reality I was a slightly nervous about the whole thing. The Catholic Church places very high expectations upon its young people, and I now had more responsibility in the parish. After going through the whole confirmation process I feel as if I have grown as a member of the Catholic Church, and as a person. The wisdom that I have gained from my faith is immense. Whenever I am uncertain my faith will help guide me in the right direction. I am very grateful for my parents for not giving into my whining or fits when I was younger. In the end all of the advantages of being an active Catholic are well worth it. Without my commitment to my religion I do not think I would be nearly as strong of a person as I am today. To me the Catholic Church provides direction along with a true friendship that will last a lifetime.

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